FAQs for Students

Frequently Asked Questions: For Students

What does the Common Curriculum look like?

While students are encouraged to use their Academic Advisement Reports in Student Admin when it is available, this document will enable you to visualize the categories and requirements for the Topics of Inquiry.  This document is only focused on the TOIs, not the Competencies. 

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Can students enrolled prior to Summer 2025 change to the Common Curriculum?

Yes, students enrolling in catalog years prior to Summer 2025 can opt into the new Common Curriculum. This process will be forthcoming in Spring 2025.

Can students graduating in Summer 2025 graduate under the Common Curriculum?

Yes, please work with your school/college advising center to explore this option.

If I am in a catalog year prior to Summer 2025 and I change my school/college, will I be required to complete the university’s Common Curriculum requirements?

No. Unless you decide to change your catalog year for completing the university's General Education requirements, it will remain as it is through the end of Spring 2025. You should be mindful that each school/college may have additional requirements for which you would be responsible.

I am taking a class that I think should meet a topic of inquiry but it is not listed. How can I get this class approved to meet the requirement?

Academic departments decide which courses are offered as Topics of Inquiry (TOIs). There is no process for students to get courses approved, but they can talk to the department if they think a course should be considered for a Common Curriculum course. Students should reach out to their advising center if they have questions about how courses are fulfilling their Common Curriculum requirements.


Are there any limits to “double-dipping” courses–that is, taking a course that applies to more than one TOI or requirement?

No--there are no limits on double-dipping, assuming all of the Common Curriculum requirements are met. The final list of Common Curriculum requirements will be available in late Spring 2025. It is important to remember that you need at least 21 credits of TOIs covering 6 different subject areas.

Where can I get the list of Common Curriculum?

Students can review a list currently approved for each Topic of Inquiry and Competency at Appendix: Common Curriculum | University of Connecticut Academic Catalog. Students can search for courses offered in a particular term for each Topic of Inquiry and Competency at https://catalog.uconn.edu/course-search/. The filter options will allow students to see what is offered.

Do I still need to take a lab science? How do I know if a course is a TOI6L?

Students need to complete at least 3 credits of TOI6L. Students can review a list currently approved TOI6L at Appendix: Common Curriculum | University of Connecticut Academic Catalog. Students can search for courses offered in a particular term for TOI6L at https://catalog.uconn.edu/course-search/. The filter options will allow students to see what is offered. 

Do students need advisor approval to change to the new Common Curriculum?

Students are not required to seek advisor approval if they wish to change to the Common Curriculum. However, it is recommended that students use the Academic Advisement Report (in Student Admin) and visit their school/college advising center to ensure they understand the impact of the change.  The process to change into the Common Curriculum for students admitted to UConn prior to Fall 2025 will be communicated in late Spring 2025.  

If I change my mind about changing to the new Common Curriculum, can I switch back to the General Education curriculum?

Yes, students may return to a prior catalog year when they were active at UConn. No approval is needed.

Most of my work from my former college or university is transferring to UConn as generic credit. Can these courses be substituted for requirements in the Common Curriculum or competencies?

Each School/College has a process for students to submit courses for review.  Please reach out to your advising center to learn more about the options available to you.

If I have a degree from another institution, do I need to complete the Common Curriculum?

If you have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution, you are exempt from the Common Curriculum requirements. If your school/college has additional requirements, you will be required to complete these.  

If I was academically dismissed from UConn and I’ve been readmitted in Summer 2025 or later, do I need to switch to the new Common Curriculum?

Yes. Any students readmitted after academic dismissal in Summer 2025 or later will need to meet the Common Curriculum requirements.

If I took a leave of absence from UConn, do I have to switch to the new Common Curriculum?

If you were approved for a leave of absence through the Dean of Students Office, you can decide whether it is best for you to meet the General Education or Common Curriculum requirements, provided you return within three semesters (fall/spring only) of your initial leave of absence date. Confirm your Leave of Absence date with the Dean of Students Office and your assigned academic advisor.

If I withdrew from UConn but did not receive a leave of absence from the Dean of Students Office, which curriculum do I need to follow?

If you did not apply for a leave of absence through the Dean of Students Office and return in Summer 2025 or later, you must follow the Common Curriculum requirements. If you were approved for a leave of absence through the Dean of Students Office, see above.

Are readmitted students required to change to the Common Curriculum beginning in Summer 2025?

It depends. If you were approved for a leave of absence through the Dean of Students Office, you can decide whether it is best for you to meet the General Education or Common Curriculum requirements, provided you return within three semesters (fall/spring only) of your initial leave of absence date. However, if you were not approved for a leave of absence through the Dean of Students Office and you return in Summer 2025 or later, you must follow the Common Curriculum requirements. Consult with the Dean of Students Office and/or your assigned academic advisor with any questions.