
The University of Connecticut places a high value on the ability of its undergraduates to demonstrate competency in five fundamental areas.

  • Writing
  • Quantitative Skills
  • Second Language Proficiency
  • Information, Digital, and Media Literacies (IDML)
  • Dialogue

The development of these competencies rests on establishing clear expectations for students both at entrance and upon graduation, and on constructing a framework so that our students can reach these competencies.

The structure of each competency involves two parts: one establishing entry-level expectations and the second establishing graduation expectations. The entry-level expectations apply to all incoming students.

Visit for resources on W and Q Competencies.

Visit for resources on the SL Competency.

Otherwise, the requirements for the Competencies (W, Q, SL) stay the same. GEOC is, however, in the process of making small adjustments to some aspects of the criteria to adjust for new developments in the Competencies. Updates will be shared when information is available.