
DeltaGE Task Force: Preliminary Steps

From 2017-2019, the Delta Gen Ed Task Force, chaired by Dr. Eric Schultz, was empaneled by the Senate to consider the General Education curriculum and how its purpose is being communicated. In April 2019, the Delta Gen Ed Task Force presented a report to the Senate. On April 29, 2019 the Senate accepted “the DeltaGenEd Task Force report and its vision for a new curriculum. The Senate C&C further recommends that the SEC empanel a Delta2GenEd Task Force in 2019/20 to refine components of the proposed curriculum and to prepare an implementation plan.” 


“The Senate C&C recommends acceptance of the DeltaGenEd Task Force report and its vision/framework for a new curriculum, pending University Senate approval of a final implementation plan. The Senate C&C further recommends that the SEC empanel a Delta2GenEd Task Force in 2019/20 to refine components of the proposed vision/framework and to prepare an implementation plan. The plan is to be submitted to the Senate Budget Committee to assess its financial impact. The Delta2GenEd Task Force will deliver its report to Senate standing committees in Spring 2020. The composition of the Delta2GenEd task force must include at least one representative from each baccalaureate granting unit at UConn (e.g., colleges and schools), as well as at least one undergraduate student representative. Further, no single baccalaureate-granting unit may constitute a simple voting majority on the task force. Finally, the composition must constitute a simple voting majority of faculty with current teaching responsibilities.”

Delta2GE Task Force: The Proposals

From 2019 to 2022, the Delta2GenEd Task Force, co-chaired by Dr. Manuela Wagner and Dr. Thomas Long, was (as per above) empaneled by the Senate to refine components of the proposed vision/framework and to prepare an implementation plan. The plan was submitted to the Senate Budget Committee to assess its financial impact. The Delta2GenEd Task Force delivered its report to the University Senate in Spring 2022.

At a special meeting of the University Senate on February 28, 2022, the Common Curriculum Guidelines were approved. The Implementation Guidelines for the Common Curriculum for Leadership and Global Citizenship and related Senate by-law amendments were then approved at a second special meeting of the University Senate on November 14, 2022.

The curriculum, implementation guidelines, and by-law revisions were all based on documents drafted by the Delta2GE Task Force that were then reviewed and revised by the Senate Curricula and Courses Committee under the chairship of Dr. Suzanne Wilson.

Approved Senate Documents