FAQs on Themes

Frequently Asked Questions: Themes

Q: How does the Focus Area work? What is the difference between a Focus Area and a Theme?

A: The "depth" part of the Common Curriculum can be satisfied in two way:

  • Students can take any 9 credits in one TOI to complete a Focus Area, OR
  • Students may complete a faculty-developed Theme. Themes include courses from more than one TOI that center around a specific topic, ability, or perspective. Themes may have 3-7 courses in them, although students are only required to pass 9 credits worth of work in them.

In the case of both a Focus Area and Theme, we highly encourage students to pursue an area of depth outside their comfort zone. For instance, if you are a STEM major, choose an area other than TOI-6 for your Focus Area or Theme. Remember that the Common Curriculum is designed to allow you to build skills in other areas that will help you in your career and beyond.

*Please note that students cannot create their own Theme. Themes can be developed and submitted for CCC+ approval by faculty on behalf of any school, college, department, unit, or campus. See the Themes page for forms and guidelines on submitting a Theme for CCC+ review and approval.

Q: If I choose to do a Theme for my Common Curriculum focus area requirement, will it appear on my transcript?

A: No. The name of the Theme will not appear on your transcript anywhere. 

Q: How is a Theme different than a minor? Can I use the course in a Theme toward a Minor?

A: There are two major differences between a Minor and a Theme:

  • Minors consist of 12-18 credits of 2000+ level course work.
  • Themes only require 9 credits and can include course work at the 1000 level.

If a course or courses in your chosen Theme are at the 2000+ level and they fulfill an established Minor, you can count your Theme course(s) toward your Minor. In some cases, your course work in a Theme may lead you to discover a Minor that you want to pursue.